May 15, 2024: Vijay Inder Singla, Congress candidate from Sri Anandpur Sahib constituency embarked on the spirited roadshow from Daduwal today and concluded it with pomp and show at Garhshankar. To boost morale and show support Amarpreet Singh Lali Constituency Incharge, Garhshankar was also present with him during the rally. Stressing on the alarming rate at which groundwater is depleting, Vijay Inder Singla fiercely attacked BJP Government saying, “Punjab is facing groundwater depletion and is grappling from this crisis for a long time. 78% of the assessment units of groundwater in the state being classified as ‘over-exploited. Without the guarantee of MSP on the crops, BJP Government has forced farmers to sow paddy which takes a lot of water affecting severely and adding to the situation negatively. With MSP guarantee on the crop farmers will be able to diversify and cultivate short-duration varieties of paddy, cotton and pulses hence, consequently help in saving water.”
Stressing the fact that only Congress is taking up the issues and lending an ear to the woes of farmers, Singla added that, “The successive governments were not at all serious about the depletion of groundwater. we will take the water woes in account and take adequate measures to amplify this pressing concern in the parliament. Congress is the only party that has paid heed to the agony cries of the farmers and we are determined to do everything possible to ease their sufferings and make agriculture a desirable livelihood again in Punjab.”
Vijay Inder Singla also raised concerns about the increasing menace of water pollution in the rivers of Punjab and spoke about how Congress will not let it go unchecked and will work towards curbing of malpractices of polluting rivers by industrialists and technocrats.
The procession rally starting with Daduwal and progressed to Sakruli, Tuto Mazara, Pakhowal, Padrana, Paddi Sura Singh, Binjon, Mahilpur, Ward no. 5, Garhshankar and concluded at Hotel Platinum Garhshankar with great fervour and support from locals.
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