लुधियाना डूगरी में गोपाल स्वीट्स के 18वे आउटलेट का शुभारंभ
लुधियाना:--मिठाई, डेयरी उत्पाद, फास्ट फूड और भारतीय व्यंजनों में जाना माना नाम गोपाल स्वीट्स ने अपने व्यवसाय क्षेत्र का विस्तार करते हुए अपन...
लुधियाना:--मिठाई, डेयरी उत्पाद, फास्ट फूड और भारतीय व्यंजनों में जाना माना नाम गोपाल स्वीट्स ने अपने व्यवसाय क्षेत्र का विस्तार करते हुए अपन...
Ludhiana, February 20, 2024*: Bharti Airtel, one of India's leading telecommunications service providers, today, announced that it has l...
Ludhiana : DMCH Cancer Care Centre in collaboration with the American Oncology Institute (AOI) in Ludhiana, achieves a remarkable success in...
Ludhiana Dec 20,2023:Aptronix, India's local Apple expert, is Apple's youngest and most rapidly growing partner in India. This exclu...
Ludhiana, 20th December 2023: Fortis Healthcare has launched a new, state-of-the-art hospital in Ludhiana, aligning with its aim to be Indi...
Ludhiana : DMCH Cancer Care Centre, Ludhiana in collaboration with American Oncology Institute (AOI) gave a new lease of life to a 38-year-o...
Ludhiana, July 15., 2023: A campaign namely “Let's Save Kanav - Help Before It's Too Late” launched under guidance of MP Sanjeev Aro...
Ludhiana, July 2, 2023:As part of their initiative to promote physical fitness and sport as a culture, The Institute of Chartered Accountant...
Ludhiana: Continuing its traditions of tying up with local communities in their cities of operations, AIPL DreamCity Ludhiana has tied up w...
Ludhiana, April 29, 2023: Reacting over completion of his first year as a Member of Rajya Sabha, Sanjeev Arora has said, “The first year has...
Ludhiana April 26, 2023:Cotton Council International (CCI) will launch two seminars in India, in Coimbatore on April 24 and in Ludhiana on A...
Ludhiana, September 23: Lauded for their uncut and natural characteristics, Polki diamonds were a prized possession in the Mughal courts cen...
Ludhiana,Dec,17;14 वर्षीय सत्यन् नाम्या जोशी की विजय में एक और उपलब्धि शामिल हुई । सत पॉल मित्तल स्कूल की कक्षा नौवीं की छात्रा नाम्या ने ...
Ludhiana, November 21, 2021 On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev ji, Hero Homes, one of the leading real estate develo...
LUDHIANA: QR678® - is a proprietary, first in class hair fall & hair regrowth therapy, which has revolutionized the treatment of hair...
लुधियाना : 9 नवम्बर २०२१: घुटनों के इलाज के लिए देश-विदेश में नाम कमाने वाले डॉ. बी . एस हुंझन ने बहरीन के एक 76 वर्षीय मरीज मोहम्मद याक...
Ludhiana, Oct 11: As we gear up to celebrate and look forward to the holiday season, there has been a significant rise in demand for ride-ha...
लुधियाना 2 अक्टूबर 2021: श्री नौहर चंद गुप्ता की जयंती के शुभ अवसर पर आज 2 अक्टूबर 2021 को सी.एम.सी. अस्पताल लुधियाना के कार्डियोलॉजी...
लुधियाना 1 अक्टूबर 2021: श्री नौहर चंद गुप्ता की जयंती के शुभ अवसर पर कल 2 अक्टूबर 2021 को सीएमसी लुधियाना के कार्डियोलॉजी विभाग में ...
Ludhiana,Sept,15:Relaunching Mission Safe Ludhiana 2020 as Mission Safe Ludhiana 2021 post easing of Pandemic situation, Dr Kamaljeet Soi Me...