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World Brain Tumour DayBrain tumour risk can be reduced by avoiding environmental hazards: experts

Chandigarh, June 7:  “Brain tumours account for about 2% of all cancers. Around 500 new cases of brain tumours are diagnosed every day worldwide and most of them are not inheritable. Brain tumours can occur at all ages and as of now, no definite cause has been found for their origin with no any such specific preventive measures that can be taken to prevent it.”
Sharing these details during a press conference on the eve of World Brain Tumour Day here on Friday Dr Vineet Saggar director neurosurgery & neuro intervention at IVY Hospital, Mohali said that the risk of brain tumour can be reduced by avoiding environmental hazards such as smoking and excessive radiation exposure.
Dr Jaspreet Singh Randhwa neurosurgeon said that brain tumours are devastating lesions that affect the nerve centre of the body.
“All our functions, from eating to speaking to walking etc, and all our emotions, from love to hate, are controlled by the brain, the spinal cord and nerves that are intimately connected. The brain is housed in a rigid shell (skull) and the body maintains a rather homogenous atmosphere, air conditioned & shock proof, inside the skull. Abnormal growth of tissues inside the skull leads to the formation of a tumour which causes local destruction and pressure on surrounding normal tissues.”
Now advanced technologies have made it possible for the neuro experts to venture in areas which were, for long, considered to be unapproachable or have unacceptable levels of risk of injury. said Dr Pradeep Sharma, neurologist at IVY.
Neuro navigation has nowadays become a preferred choice for all kinds of complex neuro surgeries. Neuronavigational has gained popularity 4-5 years thus becoming a highly effective tool during surgery, said Dr Pradeep .
Dr Swati Garg neurologist said that tumours can be malignant/cancerous or benign/ non-cancerous. Malignant brain tumours, mostly, arise from brain matter (intrinsic) and can only be controlled for variable periods of time and after using all the various modalities of treatment available.
Benign tumours, on the other hand, originate mostly from structures around the brain (extrinsic). They can be successfully removed surgically and, once removed totally, they mostly do not recur. Some of them can be effectively treated by using stereotactically directed radiotherapy especially when diagnosed early when the tumour size is small.
Dr. Pradeep Sharma said,“The incidence and prevalence of brain tumour is growing rapidly in India. Every year 40,000 to 50,000 people are diagnosed with brain tumour which reduces life expectancy by 20 years.”
Early the symptoms of brain tumours:
Ø  Recurrent headaches
Ø  Giddiness
Ø  Nausea and vomiting
Ø  Fits
Ø  Change in mental state or personality, Behavioural Problems
Ø  Loss of memory
Ø  Unsteadiness in walking
Ø  Speech problems
Ø  Weakness or altered sensation in one or more limbs
Ø  Weakness or paralysis of face or one half of body
Ø  Problems with deteriorating vision, ability to hear or speak properly

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