: Sony SAB's captivating family drama Vanshaj focuses on the relationships and power dynamics within the Mahajan family. Recent episodes introduced Haseena Malik, portrayed by Gulki Joshi, as a crucial ally in Yuvika's (Anjali Tatrari) life. Yuvika, realising Vidur's (Aliraza Namdar) innocence, places her trust in Haseena to uncover the true mastermind behind the crimes.
Despite mounting evidence against Vidur, Yuvika, accompanied by Haseena and Arjun (Buneet Kapoor), races against time to prove his innocence before the impending court hearing. The rollercoaster of emotions escalates as viewers anticipate whether Yuvika can secure Vidur's release, ultimately leading to the revelation of the real culprit.
Can Yuvika and her team establish Vidur's innocence amidst deception?
Anjali Tatrari, who plays the character of Yuvika, said, “Yuvika is weighed down by an overwhelming sense of guilt, given that her actions have led Vidur to this difficult position. And this has not only affected Vidur but has also strained her relationship with Neil, leaving him upset. She is now fiercely committed to rectifying her mistake and proving that Vidur is actually innocent. It will be compelling to witness how she navigates her way to the truth surrounded by the endless web of lies.”
Tune in to Sony SAB's Vanshaj every Monday to Saturday at 7 PM & 10 PM
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