Mumbai,: Sony SAB's 'Pushpa Impossible' revolves around the determined character Pushpa (Karuna Pandey), who faces life's challenges with unwavering optimism and a knack for problem-solving. Recent episodes took a dramatic turn when Viren (Hemant Kher) issued a menacing threat to Pushpa, hinting at a troublesome incident occurring during Navratri. Soon after, a fire erupted at her weaving workshop, Tana Bana.
In upcoming episodes, Viren will disclose to Pushpa and her family his most cunning move yet, revealing that he now has control of their house. Following the loss of her workshop in the fire, Pushpa now faces the looming threat of losing her home as well, unless she can repay the loan. As Viren attempts to exploit this situation by pushing for an unjust deal, her cherished dream of Potala weaving faces the risk of shattering once and for all. With Pushpa on the brink of losing everything, it will be intriguing to witness how she navigates these challenges and finds a way out.
How will Pushpa save her house and her Patola weaving business from Viren’s evil schemes?
Karuna Pandey, who plays the character of Pushpa, said, “Pushpa is deeply passionate about two aspects of her life – her family and carrying forward her father's cherished dream of Patola weaving. But now Viren's threats have jeopardized both in one swoop. My character is synonymous with determination, but she now finds herself in a rock-bottom situation, facing adversities from all angles. It's truly commendable to witness the courage that Pushpa exhibits in a situation like that. I am excited to portray this range of emotions and eagerly anticipate the audience's reaction to how she ultimately finds her way out of this mess.”
Stay tuned and watch Pushpa Impossible, Mon-Sat, 9:30 PM for more twists only on Sony SAB
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