Mumbai, November : Sony SAB's heartwarming show, 'Wagle Ki Duniya – Nayi Peedhi Naye Kissey' delves into the lives of a middle-class family, shedding light on the daily challenges they face. In recent episodes, the Wagles' string of good fortune continues. Following their iconic appearance on KBC, the Wagles receive a piece of great news as the family is set to receive a sum of Rs 5 crores from the government, leaving everyone on cloud nine.
In the upcoming episodes, viewers will witness the delight of the family members over the news and their discussions on how to spend the money. With everyone holding extremely diverse views, the classic Wagle chaos unfolds. Amidst this, Radhika (Bharati Archrekar) expresses her desire to utilise the money for the family's eventual move into one large house together. As an experimental run, the family agrees to spend 24 hours living under the same roof. It will now be interesting to discover how the Wagle family proceeds with their plans and what they decide to spend their newfound wealth on.
Will everything go smoothly for the Wagles, or will they end up with nothing in the end?
Bharati Archerekar, who essays the role of Radhika Wagle, said, "The concept of a family staying together has always been a dream for my character Radhika. Even in my personal life, I believe it's wonderful to have your family under one roof because there's a unique warmth in it. However, as we see in the show, the Wagle family realises it may not be as easy as it looks and decide to try living together for 24 hours before deciding if they indeed can live together under one roof. This will be an interesting journey, and I'm sure viewers will enjoy witnessing it."
Tune in to watch Wagle Ki Duniya: Nayi Peedhi Naye Kissey only on Sony SAB every Monday to Saturday at 9.00 PM
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