Dhruv Tara, Sony SAB's upcoming family romance drama, follows the journey of Dhruv and Tara, who are from two different eras. The show is set to break through the clutter with a love story never seen on television before. Tara (played by Riya Sharma), a princess from the 17th century, travels against the grain of time and arrives in the present day, where she meets Dhruv (played by Ishaan Dhawan). Sony SAB’s consistent focus is on creating good content and bringing to life shows that appeal to each family member. With Dhruv Tara, Sony SAB brings an exciting show, which will captivate audiences with its engaging narrative and unique characters. Dhruv Tara will premiere on 20th February, airing every Monday to Saturday at 8 PM only on Sony SAB.
In a candid conversation, Ishaan Dhawan who plays the character of Dhruv shared his thoughts on how modern-day love and relationships are different from the 17th century.
He said, “To me, there is definitely a difference between modern love and traditional love, and I firmly believe that an era has an important role to play in love and relationship. In earlier days, the meaning of love was to stand up for your values, stick to your word, stay beside your partner irrespective of complex and challenging situations. In today’s age, we as humans tend to overthink a lot about every relationship in life. The purity and innocence that relationships had back in the day are now missing and we are trying to keep everything under control be it love or relationships. People tend to miss enjoying the little moments in love and life.”
Dhruv Tara – Samay Sadi Se Pare premieres on Sony SAB on 20th February, Monday to Saturday, 8 PM!
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