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MNOA Chandigarh observes ‘International Day of the Seafarer’

Chandigarh, June 25, 2022: Dynamics of seafaring have changed drastically and seafarers need to fine-tune and reorient themselves accordingly, said Captain TS Bhatia, Merchant Navy Officers’ Association (MNOA), Chandigarh, during the observance of ‘Day of the Seafarer’ here.
Every seafarer’s journey is different, but they all face similar challenges. Merchant Navy officers from the tricity were sharing their views in tune with ‘Your Voyage - Then and Now, Share Your Journey,’ which is the theme of the campaign of the ‘Day of the Seafarer-2022’. Nearly 130 people participated in the event held at Defence Services Officers’ Institute (DSOI), Sector 36 in Chandigarh.

“Time has drastically changed for seafarers. There has been a sea change in the role of merchant navy officers' over the years. Hence, there is a pressing need to reorient ourselves to the new reality,” said Capt TS Bhatia, President, MNOA, Chandigarh. Captain Bhatia said that there was a time when the ship used to have 40 to 50 people as crew but now the number has gone down drastically.

“Earlier there used to be long port stays but now the stopovers at ports have become too short. Moreover, the process of inspections by the port state controls has become quite strenuous. Every port has its own rules and regulations which one needs to comply with,” said Capt Lalit Dharmani, a past President of MNOA.

However, the merchant navy still remains a very attractive option for bright youth who wish to make seafaring a career. It is not that only new challenges and constraints have cropped up in the seafaring sector over the years. Many good things have also happened. Professionalism has increased manifold, added Captain Bhagat Singh, a senior member & past President of MNOA.

Captain Jaideep Khatri, General Secretary of MNOA, said that the maritime world is changing, fast.  Ships are now operating greener, with greater digitization, and with more diverse crews. As the lifeblood of the shipping industry, seafarers are at the heart of this evolution, implementing new regulations, learning new skills and adopting safer, more efficient working practices.

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