National:The set of Sony SAB’s Wagle Ki Duniya is known for its extravagant celebrations. Today Sumeet Raghavan, who plays the lead character of Rajesh Wagle on the show, celebrated his birthday with the entire cast and crew of Wagle Ki Duniya. From the spot dada to his fellow cast members, Sumeet is always the first person to surprise his crew. But, this year everyone came together to celebrate his birthday with many cakes and a fair share of leg pulling.
Talking about the celebration, Sumeet Raghavan said, “Over the last two years, I’ve always celebrated all my milestones with my reel life family. They have become an integral part of my day-to-day life and any moment that isn’t shared with them feels incomplete. This year was no exception and we all had a great time together. They brought in multiple cakes and we must’ve spent around 20 minutes just cutting them all. All in all, it was a day well spent and a big thank you to the cast, crew and fans for showing us so much love. Thank you to everyone who made my day special.”
Tune in to watch Wagle Ki Duniya: Nayi Peedhi Naye Kissey only on Sony SAB every Monday to Saturday at 9.00 PM
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